Harrison Brown

Hello, I am Harrison Brown

I am a junior web developer based out of Northampton, England.
I love to learn new things and coding has been a great challenge for me.

About me

Find out about me

I am a competent, proactive worker with a deep understanding of computers, coding and website development.
I am able to work efficiently within a team to share my ideas and expert knowledge. i am also able to prioritise workflow and complete tasks independently.
I have a personal interest for problem solving and I love the complexity of escape rooms and enjoy solving puzzles in my spare time.
I am a self motivated worker who is always eager to learn and take on more responsibility. For example, I chose to learn code from scratch after deciding the career path would provide me with the challenges I was craving in a role and ignite my drive for success.
I am familiar with HTML and CSS and will soon have completed another Udemy Web Design course.

My skills

Blade Games

Blade games was a practice project I made after finishing the design course on Udemy. I discovered a lot while doing this project and came to a deep understanding of element placements and the positive or negative effect this can have on the overall design and product.


InstantInk was a design project I created using inspiration from another tattooing website. This elevated my understanding of design and how certain elements and placements can draw the viewers eye to important information. I found this project helpful in creating an understanding of themes and how important it can be to draw in the right clientelle.
Within this project I had also decided to include a carousel for the reviews as I believed this best suited the overal theme of the site and helped develope my understanding of Java Script.

Harrison's hamburger House

Harrison's Hamburger House was the first project I had taken on completely from scratch. Whilst I found it challenging in the begining, my confidence began to grow as the project took shape. I created The design to make it simple and clear to make it user friendly.